When asked her opinion of the safety of E-Filing by one of our guests, the retired IRS Advocate nearly burst into a passionate and (obviously) long-frustrated expression of what she felt were some of the largest problems facing IRS today:
- The outrageous ease and growth of identity theft, due to IRS’s insistence that taxpayers e-file – and, that TAS staff is now being forced to deal with criminals asking them to obtain fraudulent refunds – taking away time for them to do their real job - dealing with genuine taxpayer problems
- The quitting or retirement by seasoned IRS personnel grown weary of either the complexity of the Code, and/or a too-heavy workload due to the continued staff reduction within IRS
- A dramatic stall or slowdown of claims and amended returns processing
- An apparent growing anti-taxpayer bias, reminiscent to those of us in practice in the1980’s.
We represent clients in matters of error correction and amendment of all sorts of tax returns; problem resolution; penalty abatement, etc in addition to customized tax strategy. We are able to work through IRS staff behavioral issues because we know how. The degree of difficulty in tax resolution problems has unquestionably increased for the reasons cited above. I did not expect, nor was it the plan for our (retired) IRS Taxpayer Advocate speaker to make this the focal point of her discussion. To have her do so with such conviction was a dismaying surprise.